Receive Reiki Healing and guided Meditation session

Sessions are donation based until December 31st

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Not sure where to start in your Meditation and Reiki journey?

Please contact me for a free consultation and learn about  simple, practical method to reduce mind clutter, relieve stress, and find Truth within.


What is Organic Energy Medicine?

Organic Energy Medicine, Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Vibrational Healing are various terms that practitioners use that refers to a therapy to channelize positive natural energy into a your body. By definition, Energy Medicine is a branch of alternative medicine based on a pseudo-scientific belief that healers can channel healing energy into someone and effect positive results. The therapy of Energy Healing unblocks your body’s energy fields, helps you connect with your higher intelligence and improves your body’s self-healing power of emotional and variety of physical problems.

Benefits of Energy Healing

  • Gives you deep sense of peace and calm
  • Helps ease anxiety, stress, pain and insomnia
  • Enhances mental clarity
  • Accelerates personal growth and spiritual evolution 
  • Releases any blocks of negative energy from the body and subconscious mind
  • Improves your emotional, mental and physical well-being 
  • Helps you connect with your higher intelligence 
  • Experience of Positive Holistic Transformation will be a life changing one!

Remote Healing Services

Please click on the service to know more

Mission and Vision of this Platform

The mission and vision of this website is to provide education, guidance and insights about Energy Healing and help people book their one-on-one interactive remote healing sessions with the Energy Healer. Contact us to book your session today!

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